Monday, July 20, 2009

Feeling weird again.....

I am going to work because my dad is going to china to see his "other" son because the "poor" child is running fever.... Need to help him take care of office... Then i see his very own brother try to sell off every roundneck we have at a super low price just for HIS customers when my dad say we could earn much more by selling slowly..... Why am I in this messed up family conflicts? Going to work thinking my dad is visiting that very mistress that tore my family apart and witnessing his brother doing stupid things just to make my dad angry are worse than anything I have experience in life and yet I dunno how to react. Should I cried? I did for the past six years... Should I be agitated? I punched in the air furiously before. Doesn't work..... Should I talk to friends? Jean maybe but she is busy and even her words can only serve as temporary relief... I really don't know what kind of attitude should I have facing all these mess..... And my Dad worried that he might embrass me in front of my friends by answering that stupid mistress call when he is driving us down to Singapore.... Why must he mention it at all? I am so depressed after hearing that... Ignorance dun work anymore. My mum is getting more and more hot tempered with all the shit she facing and threatens to leave us with dad forever.... I had enough of all this shit and seriously I can't wait to leave this mess behind when I study in Singapore just to feel a bit better when my friends cannot do more damage to my broken heart.... Fuck it!!!!!

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